Saturday, June 25, 2011

New Fosters- Incomings & Outgoings...

LIFE tries to tell us things through strange incidents and metaphors...

My brother was in a relationship rut and the girl involved happens to like cats. Let's say things did not go too well and while out jogging happened to stumble upon a bunch of kittens all scattered and scrambling by the roadside! Frantic he flagged down two joggers and rounded all the kittens - 8 of them altogether; 2 luckily were adopted on the spot by the 2 joggers...

I went to pick them up after work, dodging dirty, disapproving looks by my Mother, peering curiously from the gate at the Meowing Box. I drove off with the boxful of kittens without putting something heavy on top of the Box and you can imagine what happened next - All 6 kittens clambered out! They were everywhere; under the seat, at the back, front! Arrgghh!!!! THE SMELL !!! Not good. Our fellas had been dumped near a bin or in a dumpster so they all smelt pretty damn awful! I was still speeding when I heard crunching noise, turned and saw one of the kittens had fished out a pack of my "Emergency" Dog kibbles I kept in the pockets behind my seat! They were so famished, the packet was ripped open and all 6 wolfing down the food!

New arrivals - closer inspection and it was obvious that they were not of the same litter; all different sizes and health conditions... They were likely rounded up from an area then dumped...

I was particularly worried for the white one as she was listless and slept in the corner...
More food for the famished bunch ... :( I just felt so sad !

The next day they were all brought in to the Shelter and I gave all of them a good bath with Friskies Cat Shampoo with the help of a Volunteer, Jade! After countless scratches - all 6 sparkling new!

Still, there were other problems. I had to decide what to do with them as I could never manage fostering ALL of them at one go. Their Health condition was also risky as all of them had diarrhea; not just normal diarrhea, it was FUNKY diarrhea. The type that makes people nauseous and weep. The same smell that leaks out from Garbage trucks!!!

Luckily, my Dear friends L & E offered to take 2 each from me. The tortoise-shell & a black/white one went to L and the two tiny black/white went to E now known as 'Topsy' & 'Turvy' ... Despite both having diarrhea still, are eating well.

The 'Gang' after a nice bath! Drying themselves on a fluffy towel....

I'm left with two - the white.Siamese mix and the pure black one. White one was so weak I had feared for the worst. Luckily after 3 anti-biotic jab both are doing very well. They are also extremely clever - learnt how to use the toilet tray on the second day! I was so proud of them!! :)

It's so frightening to think what would've happened had my brother not found them! How heartless and irresponsible- dumping animals to another area will never solve the problem! My brother laments how sad he was losing his 'Meow' but saved 8 tiny meows that day! Life has a way of teaching us some things are worth losing while some lives are worth saving !!!


~CovertOperations78~ said...

Nic, although I know it is extra work for all of us, I am so glad the kittens' path crossed with yours, or it would have been curtains for them. It was meant to me. Maybe it's our karma never to be free of needy sickly foundlings! My two are eating well but the diarrhoea continues despite veterinary treatment :(

A Big Kid with an Old Soul... said...

Sigh ! I'm slowly gaining the reputation as the Crazy cat Lady on the street ! (Might turn into the Emo Cat Lady on Youtube! Ha Ha!) ... It's so hard at times... Trying so hard to help but not get overloaded with too many animals!! Not helping that Ponzu & Baby started having diarrhea and Nizole is not helping at all! Argghh!!

havetailwillwag said...

I see Sneakers and Tabatha in these pictures! Tabs is so big and healthy now. She's all shiny and new and hyper. I still have hope for Sneakers. We must stay strong for him.