Tuesday, July 13, 2010

We're Having A PAWTY !

For the first time, we're throwing a Drinking Party to Fundraise!

Sid's Pub Owner, Mr. Geoff,  is so kind to help us co-organize this fantastic PAWTY at their Outlet in Bukit Tunku!  We have 50% of proceeds from the sales of Guiness, Tiger Beer, Hot Dogs and Burgers, going towards the re-building of the new Eco SPCA Animal Shelter!

The timing couldn't have been worse; Just a week before, we received devastating news of a dear friend who died tragically :'(  And now we're having a Drinking Party ?!!? We must be out of our friggin' mind...

Anyhow, things had been planned in advance... The show must go on...

Amount of Tickets we MUST sell....  Ganbatte !!!

Before the Set-Up...

After the Set-Up...

After using almost an hour to decide How to layout the tables, we proceeded to quickly set up before the Crowd starts pouring in. We finally got it right after shifting tables for 3 times.... Animals all settled in, Merchandise all decked out, my tummy started to whimper... Seeing the Heineken and Guiness Van whizzing past didn't help at all. I need a drink.

Puppies for Adoption....

"Take Me Home, pleeeasee ? I promise not to chew anyth.. nom nom noomm ... crunch crunch.."

Leisurely Folks enjoying the Sunday afternoon with their dogs and a Beer ...

My favourite Group of Boys ! The Beer-Boys ! *Hiiicc *  :) Free Cider you say ??

As Visitors started to trickle in, I immediately went to buy a book of coupons (RM 25) and got myself a cup of Strongbow... I couldn't hide my joy seeing a Strongbow Cider tap ! It's going to be a Happy Day !I also had a Pork Hotdog from Jarod & Rawlins... OMG, it was so freaking good, I could eat 10 of those, unfortunately my wallet wud not allow me :( .... Lucky for me, the kind & sweet Ms. Thanuja made a special apperance and it was sooo nice of her to come show her support! She also bought me a Chicken burger :) I love her !

My cousin Ming can make even a regular Hotdog look artistic with her SLR ! You go girl !

If All Malaysian did this, we'd have more DOG-friendly  Parks to walk our dogs !

Part of the Team that works tirelessly for the Animals; Jolyn, Lynette and Miss Malaysia/World 2009 Ms. Thanuja !

The Beautiful, kind and Feisty Animal Rights Advocate Miss Malaysia/World 2009, Ms. Thanuja !

Although we had no Animals rehomed that day but we met so many beautiful and supportive people not forgetting to mention a Gang of Head-Hunters (Harley Davidson Ang Mohs enthusiast what I was told by Thanuja); It really made our party merrier ! Where alcohol's involved, everyone is in good spirits :D Tsk Tsk Tsk...

In the end after a day's of hard work, Mr. Geoff was extremely kind and generous to donate all proceeds of the day to SPCA! Hip Hip Hoorayyy!!!  I was quite tempted to give him a big Bear Hug ;)  And to all who Sponsored a Brick for the New Eco-SPCA Shelter, bought  a Coupon or Merchandise, Thank you from all of us ! xOxOxO

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