Sunday, July 18, 2010

It's Raining Cats & Puppies!

Call me gullible.

It's hard to walk away when there are animals involved.
And the lady goes "I really can't afford it, I haven't got the money to cope with all of them ... " bla la bla la bla
Just yesterday I drove 85km to pick up this stray cat at her posh Semi-D in Shah Alam. I was a bit cheesed off as she knew I was coming around that time as I promised to come before she left for the airport at 6pm; and there she goes out didn't even make arrangements with the maid when I came, did not answer my calls and the maids. Needless to say, I left in a huff taking the cat which means I will have to pay for the spaying in advance for this woman.

This little Mummy just had a litter of 4 a month ago...

This amusing woman will go on and on over the phone, "Back in the UK, we have all our cats spayed, but now I just can't afford it..." I politely told her " Maam, the spaying here only costs a fraction of what it would cost in the UK !!"

I was also peeved when this woman refused to abort two of the heavily pregnant stray cats she's been feeding on the grounds of Religion! I bluntly told her if you are telling me you can't afford feeding them now, don't think you can afford it with another 10 more additional kittens. She persistently told me she will deal with it when she comes back next month.

While this Mummy-to-be is ready to pop anytime now...

Of course, abortion is cruel in some ways; but do you think abortion is still cruel when unwanted/unplanned pregnancy happens, babies/pups/kittens are born with no place to be kept safe from the danger on the streets and no food to eat ? or a rape-victim delivering a baby of her assailant?

I don't mean to sound unsympathetic. 2 days before picking up this stray cat, I drove 90km to Shah Alam again to pick up a puppy which was left abandoned by it's Mama. It happened to be the day before Poodley was hospitalized in Gasing Vet Hospital and I wasn't in the mood for Puppies, no matter how cute!

Poodley was discharged that day and I felt sorry for this Puppy and my Godsister allegedly saw someone dumping a box with 4 puppies under a tree. She called me frantically asking me to come get them. I told them none of the drivers can go and told her to look after it and she said she can't as the entire family was leaving to go for a Holiday. It's great isn't it?

So I took half day, took the NKVE and got lost near the Shah Alam Stadium and kept going round in circles! WTF !

Finally, I reached Kota Kemuning and my Godsis's kind neighbours were looking after this Friesian Cow looking Pup which they've start calling it Baby ... Aawww...
Baby was very merciful and allowed me to sleep till 5am before squealing her little lungs out for food and a snuggle.

Looking for a Home; female, 1-month old, feisty but extremely adorable!

Bailey checking the new kiddo out!

At the same time, I had to deal with both Poodley & Bailey's food poisoning as both started having bloody diarrhea and Vomitting. That morning when I woke up it was almost suicidal; everybody wanted something; Mama Cat yeowling, Baby pup squealing and the 2 jokers pacing excitedly waiting to be let out!

I knew I was heading for a breakdown if this goes on, I had to look for a better Fosterer for Baby the Pup as at this point it was too overwhelming :-(  With luck, a colleague has offered to help with Baby and I'm more than glad!

and OH , I really hate it when "people" use Religion on stray animals and Pets. It's just brainless. An Animal knows nothing, they're weak and cannot speak; and I just told a bloody selfish woman off today for giving up a stray kitten because it doesn't know where to Pee and Poo. For Fucks' Sake, you're the one with the Brains, put it to good use. Don't pretend to be a Saint picking up animals on the street, and dumping it later over a small matter !!

It's just one of those days *snigger* :-/


~CovertOperations78~ said...

Poor puppies and kitties! No shortage of idiots in the world, Nic! You're doing good work and you deserve more support! Stupid lady, she can afford maids but not spaying? What a retard.I hope she reads this.

A Big Kid with an Old Soul... said...

Hiya Mate !
Thanks so much for the encouragement!! Hugs!
I wish "retard" will read this too. Or am I being too harsh ? I dunno although there are days i wish I cud smash retard-heads to a wall.. :( Lack of sleep is driving me nuts. The English lady's cat is staying at my place, eating my Mama cat's food ! I'm gonna bill her for it! :D HA HA