Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Oh wait a minute...

For the first time of my 28 years of life, I'm on my own.

This IS hanging on my front door ! :D

Growing up there were 7 of us squeezed in my grandmother's tiny flat. Talk about personal space! I never had my own until I finally moved in to my parent's house when I was 22; and out again 8 months later, back again and out again...

I told myself to not go through the same anguish of having housemates from Hell again and sharing bathrooms! I had the options to either rent a room or rent out the 2 vacant rooms in this house but I chose to have all the privacy I want.

If there's anything I learnt, is that....

1) Walls are thin, so keep it low

I won't even start to list the amount of noises I make! My dear consciously reminds me to tone the Telly down once it hits 11pm, I never really bothered much about what the neighbours think until I hear the noises that come from the wall then I think shit! Noise actually pass through these walls! Damn!

I actually used to live in a house so sparse that the sound of a spoon dropped in the sink gets so amplified it echoes through the house!
Some days I wonder if the neighbours are eavesdropping....

2) Trash Management

You do have to sort your own trash out.

I'm also proud to say I have gave life to the birth of thousands of maggots!
When I used to live with my folks, I confess I hardly took the trash out only when my Dad had thrown some rotten stuff and next day the whole lid has got little weevils crawling all over ...

Yes, now I do separate my trash, recycle stuff what I can and take the trash out...

3) Inventory
Coffee and sugar wont stock themselves... As much as I wish, things to seem to run out fast... toilet paper, garbage bags, detergent, etc etc and the list goes on...

I yearn for those days when I wake up and Hot Coffee is waiting and ready :) Bliss ...

4) Unmonitored freedom
Of course you can watch TV the whole day till you go blind, nobody's going to be concerned, really! Now that I have no curfew, I stay home most evenings, turning down offers for late night supper ...

5) There are actually People living next door! Yikes!
I have to consciously remind myself not to walk out of the front door half naked, here, people DO stare! My old school friend who happens to live across the street had actually given me the heads up when I just moved in to actually watch out for busybody neighbours who get absolutely fascinated with newbies and I was told to stay clear of the porch around 3 to 4pm as the mobile Grocery guy comes round and housewives gather like Vultures and gossip like Desperate Housewives!!

6) You learn interesting things about yourself....

I must have been living in denial all these years.
Deep inside I know what an unorganized person I really am yet I've blocked it out for as long as I could.... until the house gets so untolerably filthy... I also found out what a stingy person I can be, not having the heart to throw away leftovers (which I ended up cooking and eating again), collecting rain water in tubs, and keeping tabs on how many hours of Air-Con I use everyday  etc etc etc ...  

... and yes, you've finally lived Bachelor style once you've smelt what a week's worth of unsorted garbage smells like !

1 comment:

~CovertOperations78~ said...

Aha! I learned interesting things about you, too! I wouldn't mind living alone if I had my furkids with me. Animals are less messy and intrusive than humans. 7 to a flat -- how did you all fit in? :D

Would be nice to be your housemate. I am tidier and more organised than you are, but I am used to having housemates who are not, so I guess it all balances out in the end.