Monday, July 5, 2010

Pipoka... at last.....

This little white/orange kitten came to us around January 2010... The man who's been feeding this kitten sent an enquiry one day asking for advise on whether or not to put this kitten to sleep or send it in for surgery. He claimed he's neighbour had hit the kitten causing it's back legs to be limping...

I didn't know why I made an exception for this one, although I did explain to this guy if the injuries is severe we will have to do the neccessary...

So he met me in front of Starbucks Times Square and I bundled the little fighter into the car as the guy made a tearful goodbye... Kitten was meow-ing away... I thought he doesnt look too bad, maybe he'll be alright?
As luck would have it, the Vets thought there was probably no fracture and little kitten was put on anti-inflammation medicine....

Bright and playful, lo and behold, our fighter was up and running in three weeks time!
Baby Pipoka having a Photoshoot by our Intern, Catarina

When Pipoka was 3 months old...

Our then Intern, Catarina was so taken by this little gangster and named him "Pipoka" which means Popcorn in Portugese, an apprent favourite name for Pets in Portugal!

Pipoka spent many nights sleeping in Catarina's room... messing around with electric cables much to Catarina's annoyance and harassing everything in sight, he's particular favourite; Dried Dead Frogs; which my dear friend decsribes as killing the dead dried frogs twelve times over!

Pipoka... A hit with the Ladies! ;)

Star studded life; Pipoka with Amber Chia

We had tried to rehome Pipoka in the past few events but with no success. Then of course, any adoptions vetted through me barely has a high success rate! I'm one of the most strict rehomers when it comes to choosing a New Home for Animals. I interrogate and dig up all the dirt I can. Of course, it's not a fault finding mission but it's better to find out the truth than be sorry later. I also threaten bodily harm if they do anything funny to the Animals. Half kidding.

The point is not quantity but quality. My rehoming strategy is to talk people out of adopting. If they are serious and keen about adopting they will convince me that they will do their best to provide a good life for this animal.

Finally, we brought Pipoka for the Pet Expo in June. My colleague told me a guy with a gentle personality was very taken with Pipoka and begged to adopt him! Pipoka is he's first cat and naturally he had a lot of question. Luckily he only came to pick Pipoka up the next day, giving us enough time to say goodbye.

I was prepared to refund the adoption fees if I found him any dodgy!

Then he came, bought a fancy looking Cat carrier and all the other cat gear! :-)
It was a bag of mixed emotions. He seemed a nice guy and all of us in the office will miss Pipoka madly!
So we all said our goodbye, I placed him the carrier and shed a tear.

We will miss you and love you always, Pipoka!

1 comment:

~CovertOperations78~ said...

So that's how Pipoka got his name! He is gorgeous and so personable! So friendly for a cat! I am so glad Pipoka has found a good home, although I miss seeing the way he kills dead dried flattened frogs 20 times over and struts around like he is a mighty hunter.