Saturday, June 19, 2010

As hard as it is, to let go...

Two of my foster babies found a new home over the weekend... My wish had come true....

Before I left home, I put Baby in the carrier and jokingly told Mama Cat, "Ok let's find Baby a rich family today!" Mama gave Baby a little sniff as though she understood.

Saying goodbye to Baby....

Baby sitting nervously huddled together with Joe & Tinkerbell...

Of course it was a hard decision to let go.

I never wanted to foster any animals as this was the feeling I dreaded the most; Sending them away.
It would be selfish to be keeping my fosters and even more heartless to be depriving them of a chance to go to a good home and loving family... So, when I saw this girl who convinced me that she will take good care of Baby, I knew I had to let Baby go...
It was around March that I met Mama Cat and her three kittens at our usual Murni Restaurant. The Kakak saw me and told me to take the Mama and her litter away... She had built a temporary shed for them out of canvas and some cardboard boxes at the backlane. The babies were so small , eyes unopened wriggling away. One looked particularly tiny and dehydrated. Not good.

True enough, it died the minute it was brought back.

Left with two kittens, Mama Cat was doing a fantastic job... until one day, one of the kittens died mysteriously.. and then started a Panleucopenia outbreak in the office. I decided to move Mama and the last surviving kitten back home; now that I have two empty room to spare. If anything happened to this last kitten, I'd probly kill myself...

When Baby was just a teeny weeny "Squitten" !

Superb Mama~!

"Independent" and Adventurous little Baby...

Baby grew very quickly; the first month she was a bit clingy and followed me everywhere... by the second month, her character developed and she turned into a bold, adventurous and independent little kitten, running about investigating things and acting all grown up. She didn't wanna hang out with me anymore. I was heart-broken.

Inevitably, I knew this day was going to come and there is nothing I want more than to see Baby going to a fabulous new home and a loving, patient and kind family who will provide the best for her.

As tempting as it is to start keeping your fosters, there are some people who ends up becoming an Animal Hoarder. Many argue, as long as there's a roof over these animals' heads and food provided, what more could an animal want ? Truth is, they need not only food , water, shelter and hugs and kisses. It's about quality of life.

I've seen my fair share of Animal Hoarders in my line of work; Yes, there's a roof, there's food and water, there's possibly tons of hugs and kisses. But they cannot afford to medicate their collection of animals, buy each animal quality toys to play with, send them to Obedience School or spend equal amount of quality time and attention and the list goes on!

So for now, I'm still contemplating whether to rehome Mama Cat or not as I've really grown attached to her, yet another part of me wants to see her have the best in life, possible a life I'm not able to give to her? I don't know, but I will keep everyone Posted!

1 comment:

~CovertOperations78~ said...

OMG! Baby is super adorable! You did such a great job, Nic! I am so happy for you that Baby found a good home. The first kitty I fostered was Felicity. Almost blind from eye infection. Found outside Mak Jah Corner. The day she found a good home I went into Dr. Lim's room and cried cos I knew I would miss Felicity. 30 fosters later, I still feel the emotions welling up but it's not as bad as the first time.