Saturday, May 8, 2010

English Odyssey: London Day 3

Beautiful Sunday morning in Summer time London ! I'm beginning to love the crisp cold English air even though it's a bit too cold for me!

Today is our last day in London, we will be heading into the countryside to my dear's Caravan parked in Herefordshire... Still, another two and a half weeks' worth of Adventure awaits !!

Before coming I have chatted with my friend who used to study in London and I asked her what are the places I MUST go and what are the Sunday Flea markets worth visiting; she says don't bother going to Portobello Road or Covent Garden as things there are not cheap, so she recommended we go down to Camden Market. I thought OK, Camden it is.

Camden Town ... more like Funky Town !!

Camden Town must be like the Shibuya equivalent! Ah Beng & Ah Lianism !

Haha, typical Tourist taking photo despite the No Photo Allowed Sign!

Walking through the main street I felt a tad bit intimidated by those Punk looking youngsters with the outrageous hairstyles and full clad leather outfits! We walked into a indoor flea market and to my amusement it is a flea market by day and actually a Dance Club by night! Black walls, big spotlights, bar tables and stools! Recently, I went to a Flea market held inside Mist Club, Bangsar and I tell you, it feels the same. Just, of course less scarier compared to Camden Town!

We walked and walked and saw this little "Malaysia" food stall and I told my boyfriend we should go show our support! The stall owner, also a fellow Malaysian, was all smiles as he recognized another Malaysian! We chatted for a bit and he mentioned he is from Penang and been in the UK for 5 years already and he's quite sick of it and longs to be home. :)

It wasn't cheap, mind you but small price to pay for a taste of Home!

We had some take away from he's stall, said goodbye and continued our walk. Just then walking past we saw a bit of commotion on the roadside, Police car parked and they were talking to a young girl lying beside a tree. A look closer and she was actually vomitting on the tree... Kind hearted Policemen stood watching, much concerned, probably contemplating if they should arrest her and do a Urine test... Eeewww.... Must been a nasty night worth of Booze. Young punks nowadays!

An Indoor Flea market, it goes on and on and on......

I've read online that if you are in Camden, you must pop in a shop called "Cyber Dog" and when I saw it I told my boyfriend we HAVE to go in!

The stuff that they sell is AWESOME and so unique you wont find anywhere else! Apart from cool Electronic gadgets, they have toys, all sorts of Neon glow in the dark stuff and also two sexy girls dancing on two elevated Podiums ! I noticed a lot of people were too embarassed to watch or to be caught watching the girls dance, I mean you won't see this in an average shop in Kuala Lumpur let alone in some of those quirky Sungei Wang shops! Seriously, girls gyrating Para-Para Sakura style in leotards, Ugg Boots, How can I not stare ?! ... and of course I had wanted to badly to take a photo but taking photos are prohibited in there. I only managed to curi-curi snap this one before getting told off; android dummies lining up their whole wall! Uber-Cool Dude !!!

I bought 3 packets of Astronout Food here; one Strawberry, one Ice-Cream and one Banana Flavour as souvenirs and gave the Strawberry flavoured one to my friend, Ee Lynn which she exclaimed tastes like mummified Strawberries!!

Next up, we were on the Tube again heading down to see the Tower Bridge! On the flight to London, my new Aussie friend had told me about Tower Bridge and IF I'm lucky, I get to see the Bridge raised...

When we got there, the bridge wasn't raised yet...

Then suddenly....... By Golly, it raised !! Indeed my Lucky Day!

So we stood and watched till it lowered again and watched the Ferry pass beneath the bridge. Apparently the bridge doesn't rise everyday unless there is a special request.

Walking below the bridge! Woooot !!

My dear taking a photo of me taking a photo for another Tourist!

Well, this is the Tower of London where they house the Crown Jewels. Of course, you'd have to pay and we travelling on a budget felt paying £17.00 (RM 95.20) a bit too steep. I also thought taking a photo with a Beefeater is extremely uncomfortable and intimidating! :(

Next up, my dear asked if I'd like to see St.Paul's Cathedral, I thought ok if we're in the neighbourhood. The photos taken around St. Paul's were one of my favourites; the architecture, lighting, made the pictures absolutely stunning! Effortlessly!

Also one of my favourite shots....

It was almost 5pm, and we started our journey back to the carpark as it will take us 4 hours plus to get to Hereford... Feet aching, I left London with a heavy heart ....

I was beginning to learn all the M's (Motorway), here we call Highway lor! M4, M25 etc ...I slept through out the drive and got to the Caravan past midnight... My dear quickly set up the bed and I slept like a baby! Tomorrow morning another adventure awaits ! :)

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