Saturday, May 8, 2010

English Odyssey: London Day 2

Woke up bright eyed and happy! Who needs sleep ?? I'm in London babyy!! Quick breakfast fighting with other Auntie & Uncle tourists again for toasts, eggs and sausages... This morning, they've ran out of bread ! We were deciding to leave or not, just then, we were told to help ourselves to the Continental Breakfast leftovers without having to pay the £4 plus (RM 20++) ! It's a start to a good day!

So for Day 2, we decided to go to Hamley's Toy Shop, walk around Bond Street and go Harrod's to look-see. Whooppeeee!!!

Walked and walked, left Hamley's as I couldn't afford anything then we stopped here for an expensive (by Malaysian standards) ice-cream cone which tastes like crap and took a photo of Barclays Bank for my bro!

Then we went by Harrods for the fun of it, safely assured I wont be executing any Retail Therapy; I'd entrusted all the cash with my boyfriend and firmly instructed him to not allow me to purchase any unneccessary items and to frisk me away quickly.

I had heard much about Harrod's Animal Kingdom and couldn't wait to see what it's all about! We looked everywhere and finally found it on the top floor and Lo and Behold, they were selling a German Shepherd puppy for £3,000 (RM 16,800) !!!!

Back in the days, Harrod's had a larger assortment of live animals for sale; baby bear, lion cubs, tiger cubs, snakes and so on. If you have watched that famous Christian the Lion on YouTube; this is where he was purchased by the two young Men back in the 60's.

Also, astonishing were the little doggie outfits; they have everything, Denim, Tu-Tus, Leather jackets, Hoodies and a lot of Bling! The cheapest one was about £20 (RM 112 ). Of course, it's Harrod's! No photos allowed inside folks !

As we were leaving, a crowd gathered in front if the Princess Diana and Dody memorial. Honestly, it was quite heart breaking to see and we left feeling a bit melancholy....

Next up, we went to Natural History Museum; the highlight? ----- DINOSAUR FOSSILS !!!
I wished Malaysian Museums were as interesting, guess you can't compare apples and oranges.

Natural History Museum Main Entrance

A Saber Tooth !!! Awesommmeeee!!! =D

Meet the Museum's Concierge greeting you upon arrival !

I think my boyfriend said the Museum used to be a Cathedral... My imagination of course, went a bit haywire imagining how the artefacts coming alive around Midnight (Night At The Museum) !!! ;)

Museums are virtually impossible to cover in one day; so much to see, so much to absorb! Definately loving London! We walked around a bit, looking at the Properties around the Museum and stopped at Marks & Spencer Food for sandwich! 

Don't you just love English Houses ??
The elegant Victorian Architecture and the crisp black and white combination.
This is of course, Central London, everything, EVERYONE looks effortlessly good ! :)

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