Thursday, May 20, 2010

English Odyssey: Gloucester Day 6

Day 6 and we were idling around didn't know what to do, where to go...

I don't remember who's bright idea it was to go to Gloucester...

English Lesson for the Day:
Gloucester is pronounced as "Gloster" by the way!
Worcester (think sauce) is pronounced as "Worster" !! Taa-daa !

So we drove round 45 -50mins down to Gloucester, had a coffee at Cafe Nero, then drove round the harbour/pier thingy... Didn't particularly like Gloucester... Seriously, nothing much...

Well, if you've got nothing better to do you can always go on the Ferris Wheel ??

Yup, folks, I couldn't anything better to photograph anymore... So we loitered around and ended up grocery shopping at Tesco then driving back to Hereford again.....

1 comment:

~CovertOperations78~ said...

Whenever anyone mentions "Gloucester", I am reminded of the sensible but bland Earl of Gloucester from Shakespeare's "King Lear". Looks like a rather industrialised place, not as green as I had expected it to be. Ferris Wheels are nice, though. I can pretend I am not scared of heights.