Monday, May 24, 2010

Wicked Coffee Humour

One day I was looking for some files in all my back-up folders; I found these jpegs and they've been sitting in my hard drive for the longest time...

I looked at it again and really laughed out LOUD ! It's friggin' Hilarious !!!

Of course, you will see them on my Facebook profile !

My Top Favourite!

2nd Top Favourite!! HA HA HA !!

eeerrr.... Vodka, yes... Valium, don't think so !

Mmmm-Hmmmm ......

The thing that gets me out of bed is knowing I gotta let my dogs out to pee!

MORBID-ly Hilarious in a sick kind of way!!!!

And this one definately takes the cake !!!

1 comment:

~CovertOperations78~ said...

"You can sleep when you're dead".

Eh, I think I live by that philosophy, lah.