Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I'm ovulating.

That means I'm grumpier than ever.

Things add up when you come home everyday and find your dogs had trashed your kitchen with wee and poop. Foster cats scream their heads off for food at the sound of you opening the front door. Then you have the fur to sweep and plants to water. Bills to pay and work to think about.

Some days it's not so bad; some days it does get a bit too much.

I'm feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders....

It's been 5 months since I moved out on my own. Of course, I had it all thought out. Mentally I was prepared but what I didn't  know how to deal with is the loneliness.

I wished the dogs could understand how much have been sacrificed for them to have a good life. I wish Bailey would get over the fact that she has no more garden grass to pee on anymore. Things are different now. We're not going to have what we used to have. Still, the dogs' RM 300 food bill won't be compromised... It will still be ORIJEN and they will still get their chicken breast meat and premium canned food, occasional treats and snacks and toys...

I just wished there was someone to talk to at the end of the day ...

Sigh, I absolutely hate Emo Mode as I can't take Emo people as well. I swear if there was something like an Instant Mood Lifter I could eat or inject, I'd freaking kill to have it !

Absolutely, baby

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