Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ugghh. Groan. Bleeaahh.

The world was out to get me yesterday...

Day started with a call by the woman who adopted Penny. She told me her neighbours weren't pleased with her having a dog and their idiotic kids were taunting it with miny firecrackers. My heart sunk. I gave her a list of options to try and she gave me a list of excuses;

1) Talk to your neighbours
She said no way, they are not friendly and it's hard to talk to them. They had fought before. I asked if the neighbours have pets themselves and she said yes, they have several chickens. Why kind of hypocrites live in our society today ? The more I am not convinced there is a 1-freaking-Malaysia-BS !

2) Keep the puppy indoors
To this she exclaimed, "Oh, I have carpets... " I was like , You gotta be kidding me...
You're saying you'd rather give up the poor Puppy than roll up and put away a blimming Carpet ???

After 10mins of harsh lecture, I felt I really had myself to blame. When I first saw this middle aged woman toting four young children whom she claimed are not hers, my gut told me No. I let logic ruined my decision-making. Too little too late, little Penny is back in our office with a RM 1,000 sponsorship the lady gave out of guilt.

Then, in the afternoon my Blog Template crashed...
The cute Coffee cup and paper clip notes wouldn't load anymore and I was in despair ! This couldn't be happening!! Noooooo *Arms flailing*

Then I have to entertain idiotic e-mails of morons looking for a sexual partner for their Cat.

Our E-mail Correspondence went like this:

E-mail from irresponsible idiot:

Hi there,I'm looking for a female cat to be adopted and yet to be
spayed.But I understood that it is the SPCA policy to spay/neuter the
animal coming in.Really hope if you could find us female cat that yet to
be spayed for adoption.Currently having 3 male cat that just loose their
companion week ago..:(..
hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you for your e-mail.
We do not encourage Breeding / Mating and all animals up for adoption must be spayed/neutered.
We also advise you as a Responsible Pet Owner to spay/ neuter your cats if you do not want to be feeding and caring for 50 over kittens in the next 1 year. Female cats can produce 3 litters of kittens in a year. If you are unable to keep all of the kittens, you will need to rehome the kittens yourself and also ensuring they go to good homes.
Sadly, a lot of kittens are not cared for properly and are surrendered to SPCA when they cannot cope feeding the cats anymore financially and some do not hesitate to abandon the kittens on the streets. Unspayed and not Neutered, these cats will go on producing thousands in a year and many of them are sent to SPCA to be put to sleep when these stray cats contract viruses when living in the streets.
Hence, if you would like to adopt a companion for your cat; you can save a life by adopting one from our shelter and practice Spay/Neuter!
We hope you will do whats best as a Responsible Pet Owner.
Warm regards

Idiot’s reply:
Hi Nicole,

Does that mean,there still have cat that are not spayed/neutered in SPCA? If we are interested to adopt any of the cat, we just need to drop by at SPCA right?

If you're already complaining of money issues; don't even think you can afford This to happen!


At this point I felt like bashing my head against the wall. Idiot definately didn't get the message.
These are the sort of e-mails I get every other day. Some genuinely did not know or thought of all this, some just plain foolish to try out letting their animals give birth to a dozen of offsprings then realizing they have not enough money to feed. How can these people be so freaking irresponsible !??! Wonder if that's how they would live their own life too.
Don't they realize what's going to happen with all those unwanted kittens?

When I thought the worst was over... My little bathroom plastic rack fell off the wall and my one and only miserable toothbrush and a few empty tubes of toothpaste fell right into the Toilet bowl. That's bcos we hung the rack right on top of the toilet... So it was Listerine for the night.

Definately NOT my day!!!


~CovertOperations78~ said...

Damn! I am sorry you are going through such a rough patch! You must have the patience of Job to go through all this sh*t on a regular basis!

1. Please tell the woman who adopted and returned Penny that our vets shall have to put her to sleep via lethal injection as she did not match our shelter office decor when she came to the SPCA.

2. Cute coffee blog template missing -- contact blogspot administrators, perhaps? My friend got his blog back after 2 weeks after there were some password and privacy transgressions.

3. Please ask the lady to show us her bank account balance. If she has anything less than RM2.5 million, she will not be allowed to adopt an unspayed cat because we will deem her unfit to provide proper care (incl vet bills, food, supplement and lifelong care) for the 180 cats and kittens she will end up with within an estimated 3 years.

~CovertOperations78~ said...

To clarify:
Re #1: The vets will have to put HER, THE WOMAN, not Penny, to sleep.

A Big Kid with an Old Soul... said...

Heya Mate!
It was just one of those days! I thought I wouldn't make it tru the day alive!! :-{

Luckily though, I had a bunch of Blog templates saved when I was helping Glyn set up he's! What do you think of this one? Do you miss the Older one ? :P

I really wanted to puke blood that day as this Idiot had the cheek to reply me after that to ask me to "respect" her decision to breed her cats! WTF !! Dont they get it ??