Monday, August 23, 2010

Comfort Soups and Junk foods for the Soul...

I never turn down Free food ....

When my friend called that night, offering to buy me dinner, I braved the peak hour jam to get to The Curve to meet her. She said she wanted Soup and there's a place she "discovered", I thought Yeay, we're having Soup tonight!

Brought up by my Cantonese Grandmother, let me tell you, Cantonese people takes their Soup very seriously. No meal is complete without a hearty bowl of soup. Just like how a Korean Meal is not complete without Kimchi !

Most Europeans find the thought of slurping piping Hot Soup in a hot and humid country like Malaysia to be ridiculous. The thought simply grossed them out , like my boyfriend who exclaimed "People only drink Hot Soup in the Winter!" Of course he didn't complain when he slurped the last thick bit of the Curry Shabu Shabu soup we had at Pulau Ketam Steamboat!!

The cute, cosy little Soup Shop tucked inside MPH Bookstores, The Curve. Great place to relax with a hot bowl of Soup after a long day, mainly because it's sooo quiet~

I had the Soup of the Day, Curry Chicken Soup with Sparkling Fuji Apple drink ( RM 9.90 )

The Soup looking really grand sitting in a thick, hollowed Bread Basket on a stylish black Saucer thingy. I looked at my friend , "How are you supposed to eat this?" She said cut a portion on the side and let the Gravy/Soup flow out" ... Ok.

The curry gravy/Soup was thick and glorious! So flavourful and creamy. The chicken meat was really nicely marinated by the curry gravy/Soup... Wished there were a few more pieces of chicken in it! I snorted when my friend said "You won't be able to finish the whole thing!" Me ?? Not finishing food ?? Never !!!

But it was true, to my horror, I felt slightly sick half way through...  Ooohh..... My Tummy.....!
Also, I found I didn't quite enjoy the Bread. The texture was rough even after it was thoroughly immersed in the thick Gravy.. It also tasted slightly stale. Not very pleasing.

My friend, M ordered the Mushroom Soup with Salad. According to her, the Mushroom Soup is her favourite and it's thick and very tasty!

A week before that, me and my girlfriend Jacq were down at Bukit Bintang as she wanted to do some shoe-shopping. I was sooo broke and only opted to have dinner and did zero shopping. After many hours zig zagging Sungei Wang's back lane shops, we ended the day at Low Yat Plaza for dinner as my car was parked nearby. A hasty decision it was, opting dinner at this Fast-Food Jap Restaurant, Shikiya.

Shikiya's - Spicy minced chicken Kuey Teow

Eating in Shikiya makes Sushi King look like fine dining. Nothign aesthetic here people  just cheap Jap-looking food. It didn't stop Jacq from saying , "What's Kuey Teow doing on the menu?"  Needless to say she didn't enjoy her dinner.

As for me, the minimalist eater that I am, I'm humbled by food and never complain a lot unless its critically Godawful. This economically priced Torikasudon wasn't that bad, just wished they'd go easy on the mayonnaise. Also, it's processed chicken fillets ~ !! Arghhh

Shikiya's RM 7.90 - Torikatsudon

We did stop by Daiso before dinner as I was craving for their RM 5 Green Tea biscuits. I treated myself to two boxes. Green Tea is great. I mean, Green TEA is fab, but certain things shouldn't be Green tea flavoured, like Mooncakes or Green Tea Frappucino...

However this biscuit worked, at least for me. It wasn't too milky, in fact none at all. The biscuit is nice and buttery while the Green Tea filling is just a little sweet and with a tinge of bitterness. Just the way Green Tea should be.

The RM 5 Daiso Green Tea and Strawberry biscuits....

Green Tea biscuits; an acquired taste, really....

Ok, it's back to the harsh realities of the world now... My Maggi Mees, Gardenia Bread and Studio 5 hawker fare awaits for the rest of the month....


~CovertOperations78~ said...

Oh I love it when you blog about food! Everything looks and sounds so yummy and you have good food sense.

Ridiculous to drink soup in hot and humid weather.... Hmmm, I never thought about it that way! I love my soups and porridge. I am positive there will be at least one vegetarian soup dish at the restaurant. Asparagus, maybe? Or leeks and potatoes? Or mushroom soup with milk, rather than meat, base?

I am still missing Tigerlily. She would have liked soup. My cats get mushy fish with added vitamins, cod liver oil and Nutrisauce.

See you this weekend!

A Big Kid with an Old Soul... said...

Yes Yes! They do has Vegetarian Soups! Pumpkin, Mushroom, and some seasonal vege ones, also got salad, pasta etc! Let me knows when you wanna go, my treat! ;) Nothing like a hot bowl of comforting SOup!

Hope you're feeling better over little Tigerlily... It sure suxx losing Fosters after you've done Everything :( But least now she is free from all the sufferings in life, be happy for her.. Big hugssss k! See you around soon !