Sunday, August 29, 2010

Yet you ask why Adoption Rate is so low ? Look around you

If you read my previous Post about my Food review, you'd think I lived a fairly carefree Life with no troubles but Eat, Drink and Be Merry... Unfortunately, it is not. Reality is depressing of late, I've used this blog to be a channel to vent, and I know I shouldn't ...

I don't hate my job, it's just disheartening some days, to realize the amount of moronic imbeciles that ACTUALLY exists; and I'm talking bout so called Pet-Owner imbeciles, not the other imbecile Breeds on the roads !

We had a Busy Sunday. Good thing it wasn't one of those unGodly hours in the morning like Dogathon... We were invited to the Cats & Dogs 2 Movie Carnival at Tropicana organized by the Spotlite Magazine Team who did my Interview with Amber Chia in May.

The Event became sort of a Congregation of Poodles, Shih Tzus, Schnauzers, Huskies and Goldies... Toy dogs came fully clothed (with Booties no kidding) and some showed up in their personal chaffeured strollers! I wonder why people ask how come Adoption is so low in Animal Shelters... *Rolling eyes*
We met up with the CEO of a large Pet Store Chain here in town few days ago, and although my gut never trust Pet Shop people, but listening to he's point of view, he has a point. He did do he's homework, studying the Pet Shop market growth here and those in Overseas, he pointed out that the Malaysian Pet Industry has yet to reach it's peak and is still growing, pet shops in Malaysia does not have enough volume and simply cannot sustain without selling livestock! Oh Brother. CEO of X Pet Shop also mentioned if he cuts selling livestock now, he's entire business will go bust.

But will we ever see that day coming ? Malaysian consumers are hard to please. It's Demand and Supply people. How much worst can it get? Pet Shops are starting to offer 12months installment payments to purchase a dog! Why, if you can't afford a price tag, DON'T get a Dog. It's really that simple.

We're glad in some ways he's making some effort to Educate he's Customers to Spay and Neuter, we did point out some of he's livestock do end up at our Shelter and a lot of strays were contributed by he's irresponsible Customers.

Harsh reality folks.

I get horribly peeved when people taunt us for putting down animals and "not making the effort" to place them in Sanctuaries! When I ask them, but have You adopted one from a local Shelter or rescue even one from the street?  They hang their head from embarrassment. Some protest, "I don't have the time! I gotta work!"  "I have children, I can't cope with animals ! " Don't complain why is there so many stray dogs in your neighbourhood . Yes, it many not be you, but we wished people would take the trouble to Educate their inconsiderate neighbours who lets their female dog roam the streets while she's on heat.

I am sick and tired of answering people's questions about Euthanasia. Do people honestly think Animal Shelters have nothing better to do ? Well, no, there's tons of sick, injured, neglected Animals coming in everyday and Euthanasia is expensive! But it is a better way to go than leaving a dog with a crushed leg yelping for it's life till it's last breath.

I am even more sick and tired of Hypocrites ! So called "Animal Lovers" who parade around with their expensive Pet Store purchased Pooch with affection but offer nothing for their other poor Mongrel chained near their gate to "guard".  I don't even want to hear that "they" did such a noble job of Rescue-ing/picking the Mutt from the streets and gave it fantastic life "guarding" the gate in chains.

Why the Double Standards???

Pets are not toys; it's not something you can buy because you have nothing to do with some spare time and throw it away the next week when you are busy!

1 comment:

~CovertOperations78~ said...

That's exactly IT, Nic! My pet peeves exactly when people say animal shelters and pounds are cruel to put down "innocent cats and dogs". Oh, and those who surrendered their animals, or dumped them outside markets and food courts, or let them roam and reproduce because "it is their nature to do so" are blameless? I have friends with 2 - 3 pet store purchased pedigree dogs each who claim that they would like to volunteer at the SPCA someday but can't find the time because they are so busy looking after their dogs. I tell them that the best thing they can do for animals is not to spend 2 hours at a shelter and feel good about yourself, but to spay and neuter your pets and adopt from shelters, not purchase from breeders or pet stores, because you are now part of the problem, not the solution! The solution isn't in coming to help me bathe a few dogs on a Saturday, it is in ADOPTING, NEUTERING and making a pledge NOT TO SURRENDER/ABANDON!!!