Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bristol Dogs & Cats Home

A familiar symbol here in Bristol ....

The row of shop lots on the road going to Bristol Dogs &Cats Home

Of course I had this thing of photographing all Chinese Take-Away from every Town!

Finally, we got to the RSPCA Bristol Clinic & Bristol Cats and Dogs Home here on Albert Road. Established here in 1886 with only 6 kennels back then, it now has 96 kennels and rehomes 1,000 animals a year!

The BDCH suprisingly has a high number of Staffordshire Bull terriers or a.k.a "Staffie's" waiting to be rehomed. Many Staffies are surrendered here as their owners did not research the Breed and only realized they could not cope with the dog anymore after some time!

 If you're wondering what the triangle thing is; it's actually Rabbits, Ferrets and Guinea Pig pens...

 Inside the Kennels....

A dedicated team of volunteer dog walkers ensure all the dogs have at least 30 minutes of walks and quality time a day (each dog has its own kennel and run) and even though the shelter is in an industrial area a few minutes up the riverbank is a small park where each dog can feel the grass under its feet and relax away from the hustle and bustle of the shelter.

Yes, humans carry germs all the time! You could be making an animal sick if you don't disinfect !

 What?! No more JerHigh and Milky Bones ?! Noooooo !!!

The fully air-conditioned, cosy Cattery!

Kitchen & Food preparation area... So neat & tidy goshh!

Before we left the Shelter, we also shopped for a bit at their Giftshop. I was hoping to get some RSPCA merchandise to bring home as samples and get some gifts for friends but I was so dissappointed as they didn't have any RSPCA ones. The items available were the usual Pet Shop fare; leashes, collars, toys, pens and some notepads...
I left wanting a bit more so we stopped by Pets At Home and shopped a bit for Bailey and Poodley. Beginning to miss them so much and my heartache made me wanting to buy every single dog treat brand on the shelf! *Sigh*  This is the first time my babies are separated from me for such a long time! As it was almost late at night in KL, I made a mental note to call Mr. Carlos tomorrow morning!

1 comment:

~CovertOperations78~ said...

Whooaah! Their animal shelter is so clean and inviting! "Home" is the right word for it. Our kennels are more like pounds. :(